Sunday, January 18, 2009

Train up a child

As I was getting my six, almost seven year old ready for the day this morning, it became obvious I am not equipped to "train up a child."
I am the mom who has the kleenex ready before the nose even runs, the water bottle squeezed on the sideline and the coat in the car "just in case." Some of these traits are a good thing, but some of them are because I have no clue how to teach independence.
I was a latchkey kid who survived. I had no formal training. I am not sure I even remember how I learned to run my own bath, tie my shoes or feed myself. I just learned. My needs developed my skill set.
But now, as a mom I find myself lost in this area. I am actually having to read books on teaching independence because the way I learned is not a nurturing option for my child.
Such a conflicting thing, to be incredibly proud of my resourceful ways, yet have no way of teaching them naturally.

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